"Mereka mendahulukan akhirat ke atas dunia, mencintai kematian di dalam ketaatan, dan melebihkannya dari kehidupan pada kemaksiatan. Jika berkuasa mereka menghukum dengan adil, mereka memerintah dengan anjuran Islam, mereka zuhud, mereka berbuat baik, maka merekalah orang-orang yang beruntung! Kitakah mereka itu?"

Indahnya Islam...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dream High ^^

I dream high, I've got a dream
When things get rough, I just close my eyes
The moment that I achieve my dream
I wake up and start again
I can fly high, I believe in myself
Someday I will fly to the sky
With outstretched wings, I will fly higher than anyone else
I'll fly freely, up high
Dream high, a chance to fly high
Now all the pain will go bye-bye
I'll fly high like the stars in the sky
Try to follow your dreams. It's time for you to shine
It has just begun. Gotta make them mine.
Don't be afraid of a future you have to make for yourself
Now, you should go, filled with confidence
Destiny. It's inescapable. Now this unstoppable fate
spreads out before us.
It's a whole new fantasy.
So from here on out come take my hand
We will only have one goal from here on out.
We will never give up our dreams and future
Youth, passion. Everyone here will Dream High.

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