"Mereka mendahulukan akhirat ke atas dunia, mencintai kematian di dalam ketaatan, dan melebihkannya dari kehidupan pada kemaksiatan. Jika berkuasa mereka menghukum dengan adil, mereka memerintah dengan anjuran Islam, mereka zuhud, mereka berbuat baik, maka merekalah orang-orang yang beruntung! Kitakah mereka itu?"

Indahnya Islam...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

selamat kembali ke Malaysia....

I know when I return to Malaysia, everything will change. I will return to normal life. I'm sure I'll be happy with my old life in Malaysia.

But I can not deny that I was very sad for dealing with this separation. I will stop everything I'm on arrival in Malaysia. I will live happily in Malaysia. Maybe for some things here, I will continue to erase the memory of my life. And I probably will not look back. I will continue to forge ahead, leaving all the memories behind.

I was disappointed. Maybe! Because I was a step in the wrong here.I'm not sure if I regret it or not, but I'm sad. Very sad! My thoughts, my mind, my heart, my feelings right now can not work stably.